VIIth World Congress of Constitutional Law held in Athens, Greece

11 - 15 June 2007 - VIIth World Congress of Constitutional Law, organized by the International Association of Constitutional Law and the Association of Greek Constitutionalists, was held in Athens, Greece on the topic: "Rethinking the Boundaries of Constitutional Law". The Congress entailed 4 plenary sessions on the following subjects: The Constitution between conflict and stability (to what extent do constitutions contribute to resolving conflict and to create stable (democratic) government; to what extent is their role exaggerated; what is the experience of different countries); Philosophy confronts threats to constitutionalism (in the light of threats to democracy states may take actions that transgress normal constitutional standards, how should constitution deal with emergences, how should courts respond to actions that transgress normal constitutional standards); Religion, state and society (examination of the new challenges to traditional constitutional ideas about secularism, religious freedom and the relationship between religion and the state and their implications for constitutions and constitutionalism); Internationalization of constitutional law (exploring the nature and manner of impact of international norms on constitutional adjudication and their implications for the national constitutional systems of different states), and also several workshops. The Croatian Constitutional Court was at the Congress represented by Mr. Teodor Antić, Secretary General.