Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the Republic of Croatia
The website contains all judgments concerning the Republic of Croatia rendered to date by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (ECtHR), all decisions concerning the Republic of Croatia rendered after 2000, and judgments and decisions striking-out applications from the Court’s list of cases. The judgments and most part of the decisions have been translated into Croatian, and their original text in English is available on the Constitutional Court’s website under "ECHR Case-Law.
The translations of the original texts of judgments and decisions of the ECtHR into Croatian are taken from the official website of the Office of the Agent of the Government of the Republic of Croatia before the ECtHR. The original texts of the judgments and decisions in English are taken from the official ECtHR website. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content of the translation of the original texts or of the original texts of the judgments and decisions of the ECtHR.
Judgments and decisions can be searched as follows:
First, judgments and decisions are categorised by Articles of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Each Article is filed under one or more sub-categories of the fundamental right comprised in a specific Article of the Convention. Each sub-category is further divided according to the decisions of the ECtHR on the complaints related to the fundamental right in question (for example, violation, no violation, dismissal, strike-out).
Second, judgments and decisions are categorised by the first letter of the applicant’s surname, official name, or initials.
Third, applications stricken-out of the list of cases of the ECtHR are divided into ones in which friendly settlement between the applicant and the Republic of Croatia was found, and those stricken out for any other reason (“other cases”). Cases are also listed according to the first letter of the applicant’s surname, official name, or initials.
Fourth, all judgments and decisions may be searched by the date of delivery of the judgment or decision by the ECtHR, from the latest to the oldest.
Fifth, in "Search by TEXT", judgments and decisions may be searched by inserting any word contained in the judgment or decision.
The content of the website is continuously updated with new ECtHR judgments and decisions.
The European Court in its judgments, as a rule, decides if:
- an application is well-founded (on the merits of the case).
The European Court in its decisions, as a rule, decides on:
- the admissibility or inadmissibility of an application;
- the achievement of a friendly settlement.
Persons interested in filing an application with the ECtHR are referred to the "Information documents for persons wishing to apply to the Court", published on the ECtHR website in Croatian.