25 May 2015 - Professor Jasna Omejec, President of the Constitutional Court, addressed the participants of the Third simulated session of the Croatian Parliament for secondary-school students, where they deliberated and adopted amendments to the current Prevention of Disorder at Sports Competitions Act. Addressing them before the session, President Omejec warned young MPs that in their deliberations on the optimal legal framework for the prevention of disorders at sports competitions they have to take account of the requirements stemming from the Croatian Constitution, i.e. that the measures they are to adopt for the protection of rights and freedoms of others and the general interest of the community have to be efficient but also must not compromise development of sport as such or excessively restrict the rights and freedoms of other individuals who attend sports events in good faith. In the end, she recalled that every piece of legislation, hence the one to be passed at this session, is subject to the scrutiny of the Constitutional Court, who is competent to repeal every act if in breach of the Constitution and fundamental requirements of the democratic society.
The simulated session of the Croatian Parliament for secondary-school students is a joint project of the Citizens Service of the Croatian Parliament and the Education and Teacher Training Agency which is being carried out within the experimental implementation of the Curriculum for civil education.