20 June 2013 - Professor Dr Jasna Omejec, President of the Constitutional Court, gave a lecture today at the 178 Panel of the City of Zagreb Lawyers Club titled "Facts and misconceptions of the Constitutional Court's role in the light of Europeanization of the Croatian law". In her lecture she recalled the fundamental role of constitutional courts in the post-communist states, where the constitutional judiciary found itself amidst national and European law. She pointed out to a confusion in legislative, and in general, regulative system of our country and to the troubled state of our judiciary chained in the textual or grammatical positivism, as well as to the strong lack of understanding of the constitutional court's role since the Croatian society still does not except the fact that the constitutional judiciary supervises the legal frame of the state created by the political power. At the end she emphasised the need for the general improvement of political culture and necessity for spreading the awareness of democratic values and for constant learning.