23 January 2011 - More than 88 Constitutional Courts, Constitutional Councils and Supreme Courts as well as the 10 regional and linguistic groups of courts from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe gathered for the 2nd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice on "Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies", hosted by the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil in cooperation with the Venice Commission (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16-18 January 2011). On this occasion Professor Jasna Omejec, President of the Croatian Constitutional Court held a lecture on the Independence of the Constitutional Court as an Institution, and met, together with Judge Slavica Banić and Judge Miroslav Šeparović, the Vice President of Brasil Mr. Michel Temer, who opened this event together with the Governor of Rio de Janeiro Mr. Sérgio Cabral and the hosts of the Conference, President of the Supreme Court of Brasil Mr. Antonio Cezar Peluso and President of the Venice Commisssion Mr. Gianni Buquicchio. The participants addressed the issues of independence of a constitutional court or equivalent body as an institution, the constitutional independence of individual judges and operating procedures of courts as a means to guarantee independence. The discussions revealed that these aspects are closely interlinked. The participants also discussed a draft Statute for the World Conference as a permanent body. However, the Draft was not adopted on this occasion, but was amended and revised in accordance with the proposals and comments of certain states. The new Statute is expected to be opened for accession later in 2011. The First Congress of the World Conference of Constitutional Justice was held in Cape Town, South Africa in 2009, and the next 4th Congress will be held in Seoul, South Korea in 2014.