2 April 2009 - Organised by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts the round table on the Croatian Constitutional Judiciary - de lege lata / de lege ferenda, held today in Zagreb, gathered many participants from the public, academic and political life of our country. The introductory reports were submitted by Professor Jasna Omejec, President of the Croatian Constitutional Court: "The most important changes in the structure of the constitutional judiciary - introducing the constitutional complaint as a general means for the abstract and concrete constitutional court protection and a priori constitutional review of international agreements"; Professor Davor Krapac, Judge of the Croatian Constitutional Court: "The requirements for initiating the constitutional court procedure regarding the protection of individual constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms”; Professor Željko Potočnjak, Judge of the Croatian Constitutional Court: "The European Court of Human Rights and the Croatian Constitutional Court in the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms"; Professor Siniša Rodin, Zagreb Law Faculty: "The relations between the Croatian Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice of the European Communities after Croatian accession to the EU" and Professor Zvonimir Lauc, Osijek Law Faculty: "The new regulation of the status of the judges of the Croatian Constitutional Court - from their election to material grounds for their work". The reports as well as the discussion will be published in the 10th book of the Scientific Council of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts edition Modernizacija prava (Modernisation of law).