XIX. Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts

27 May 2024 - Dr Miroslav Šeparović, President, and Ms Ingrid Antičević Marinović, Judge, participated in the 19th Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts which took place in Chisinau on 22 and 23 May 2024.

At the opening ceremony of the Congress, Domnica Manole, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, President of the Republic of Moldova, Síofra O’Leary, President of the European Court of Human Rights, and Claire Bazy Malaurie, President of the Venice Commission addressed the participants. The Congress continued with plenary sessions in which the co-operation between constitutional courts and supranational courts, the political and legal aspects of the jurisdiction of constitutional courts, and the protection of constitutional principles during a state of emergency were discussed. The Congress ended with a unanimous declaration, which highlighted, among other things, the commitment of the Conference members to European standards and to strengthening the dialogue between national and supranational courts to create a common legal space of fundamental rights protection.

The Conference of European Constitutional Courts was established in Dubrovnik in 1972 and comprises 40 European constitutional courts or courts with equivalent jurisdiction. The Constitutional Court of Croatia has been a full member of the Conference since 1993. The congresses of the Conference that are held every three years serve as an important platform for co-operation between European constitutional courts and as a forum for the exchange of opinions and experiences. The next Congress will take place under the presidency of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania.